Friday, February 27, 2009

Trip to Goblin Valley

Last Sunday, Rick and I went back to Goblin Valley. We had been there last May when Neal and Annette came to visit. It is just amazing. This is a overlook area before we went down. We decended from the opposite side we had last year and saw things we didn't see then. This place is just other worldly. Around every corner and everywhere you look, you see something different and unique.

Some are stand alones and others come in groups.

Thought this looked like ET.

And this one, Donald Duck.

But you can see why they call it Goblin Valley. A lot of them seem to have faces.


Anonymous said...

Too cool! Can't wait to get down there and visit Goblin Valley with you guys.

Rick and Eileen said...

When we were there, we were thinking the same thing. We really want to take you there. The girls will just love it. Great place to run around.