Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rick's Been Busy

We wanted our sidewalks in before the rainy and snow season so we wouldn't have the lovely red mud to deal with. Rick got them both done and they look terrific. You can see the front walk with the solar lights we put around it. The lights don't give off a lot of light so the neighbors shouldn't complain.
Well, blogger didn't put them in the order I had them so we now jump to the back sidewalk. You can see the pattern Rick put into this one. I really love this one. And now we can get to the garage without getting mud on us!

Back to the front one with a little longer view of it. The curve looks great. The lawns are going dormant for the year. And I have put some artificial plants in the pots. The white "stick" is actually a tree.

Here is what the back looks like as you come off the back steps.

And this. . . is what we did with the arches in the dinning room. We found these on-line and they were the perfect size for the arches. When we measured the arches, 42 x 64 inches, we were really surprised at how big they really were. But these are perfect and we both just fell in love with them. They really add to the room.


Reid said...

Wow, I didn't know what to expect with those walkways but it looks great!! I'm really impressed

Anonymous said...

It looks so terrific. Can't wait to see it.

julielafferrephotography said...

Hi Rick and Eileen!

This is your niece-in-law up north in Lehi (Brett's wife). I came across your blog when I was reading Scott and Cara's so I thought I'd say hi. If it's ok, I'd like to add you to my list of blogs I follow and keep in touch from time to time. Hope things are going well!

Julie Lafferre

Rick and Eileen said...

Great hearing from you. Do you have a blog? Sorry we didn't get to meet you when we saw Susan and Mike when they were here. Can't wait to meet you. Check out our son's blog. He is really getting into the photography. It's Reid's site and we have links on our home page. Also, our daughter Ashley has one but not updating lately as she is without a computer at present.

Aunt Eileen