Friday, November 2, 2007

Our Place Then & Now

This is what our property looked like when we bought it July 2006. We were really excited about it.
This is what it looks like today. Nov. 2, 2007. As you can see, the garage is framed now. They are hoping to have the shell completed by the middle of next week. Of course, we all know how that goes.
This is the view from the end of the driveway. As you see, we park out of the way of the construction. Can't wait to be able to pull the cars into the garage. The shingle packages still on the roof are for the front porch that still has to be done.
This is Rocky, our famous watch dog. He does bark when people come and then wants to play with them. He still LOVES attention. He is 9 months old today.


Reid said...

Is that drool on the porch in front of Rocky?

That garage is HUGE!

Rick and Eileen said...

Rocky had just gotten a drink. He still gets more outside than in. Which is why he eats and drinks on the porch instead of in the house.

Gee and your Dad thinks maybe it should be bigger.

Teenkurbelle said...

WOW Rocky got BIG!!! He doesn't look like the same pooch! Your place looks so nice, can't wait to see it in person!

Unknown said...

Hi Rick & Eileen: I saw the pictures of your new home. It looks really nice. Beautiful country!! Rocky looks like a cool dog. Hope you have a Merry Christmas! Saw pictures of Reid, I can see both of you in him. I'll call soon. kurt