Monday, November 26, 2007

Gemini Bridges

Since we don't do the Friday after Thanksgiving shopping thing we had decided to go 4-wheeling. But, we woke up to a skiff of snow on the ground with more falling so decided not to go. The snow was gone by noon but put our trip off until Sat. It was cold but beautiful. We drove to Gemini Bridges. The had more snow than we did (but then so did Moab, they had 2-3 inches). The drive wasn't too bad, one of the easier 4-wheel drives and the a short walk to the bridges.
We are above, looking down. You can go to the lower portion which at some time I'm sure we will do. It was fun trying to take pictures in shadows with bright sun and snow.
Here you can see Rick between the two bridges.

And this is what he was shooting. We really had a fun time. And to top it off, we found a tripod in the parking lot when we left!

1 comment:

Reid said...

Nice, now you'll have to take the fork in the road that goes to spider mesa (or whatever it's called).