Sunday, September 30, 2007


Returned from Eileen's mother's funeral on Friday Sept 13th, she did laundry on Sat. and left early Sunday morning for Utah. Spent the next two weeks getting things moving faster at our new home. Returned home Sat. Sept. 29th. We are renting a truck Fri. Oct 5th (yes, Rick's birthday) and loading it. Hopefully we can get it all done on friday and leave for Utah on Sat. When Eileen left, the septic was not in but the guy was scheduled for Mon this coming week and they were digging the trench and hole for the well house. That and a few little things inside was all that were lacking. Carpet was being laid Fri and Sat. These are the pendent lights we bought and mailed to Utah for them to hang in our kitchen. They look terrific.

They were cleaning the whole house, including windows, on Friday. This is the kitchen. Eileen is just thrilled with all the drawers and cupboards, the new frig and her gas stovetop and built in oven with microwave over it. She now has 17 drawers whereas our home in Maple Valley had 4! All this room and cupboards plus a pantry!
The phone rang back in the retreat one afternoon and she was in the family room and she couldn't run back to it fast enough to answer it. Boy! can't wait to have all this room, our furniture out of storage, and our cordless phones in several rooms so we don't have to run from one end of the house to the other to answer it. Scott is driving Eileen's car down with us on Monday, Oct 8th and help us move in and the Cara and the girls are driving down on Friday, Oct 12th. Eileen left her car at Scott's and flew back to Washington.


Reid said...

I just noticed the pile of red dirt on the kitchen floor, I hope you're putting in brown/red carpet or are buying a Dyson vacuum!

Rick and Eileen said...

Thankfully the house was being cleaned before the carpet was being laid. They had left the windows open for days. And with the wind, the house was full of dirt. We will definitely be a shoeless house!

Teenkurbelle said...

It looks nice! Congrats on the move in! I hope all the promblems get fixed fast so you can settle in properly.
OH and my little blog is at: