Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Passing of Rick's Mother

On Sat. Aug. 11th we got word that Rick's mother had passed away after a long slow decline. She was 92 years old. We flew to Wis. early Monday morning. Her funeral was Wed. Aug 15th. We flew Ashley up for the funeral, but Reid's work schedule would not allow him to attend.

These photos are taken at the reception after the funeral. Pictured here are Steve "Doc" Rumage, Rick's niece Becky and her husband Calvin Gatch III, and Jan Forman. We hadn't seen Becky in 17 years. It was wonderful to see her and catch up on all the news.

Here is the reception that Diane and Eileen put together. Pictured is Ashley, Tim and Diane Murphy (Diane is Rick's cousin) and you can almost see Jody, their daughter.
Diane and Jan took great care of Rick's mom for us these past few years and we owe them a great debt of gratitude.

This is Mary and Lenny Stalker. They live next door to the farm where Rick grew up. When Rick's mother moved out to live with us, Lenny purchased the farm. They have always been great friends and helped her over the years. And their friendship has continued with us.

We hope to see all our family and friends in the future in Wis. and have them come see us in Utah.

We want to thank everyone for their help and support in this trying time.

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