Last night we had one of the beautiful sunsets that we love so much. Took a few pictures to share with you. You will find a few more in our flickr under clouds.
We moved in to our new home in Castle Valley, UT in October 2007. There Rick is working on his dream garage where he can restore his '56 Chevy and we have set up Eileen's sewing room.
We both love landscape photography and we are glad to be back in Southern Utah where there is an endless supply of great landscapes. Starting with the view of Castle Rock outside our front door.
Rick is a 2-time Team Sport Kite World Champion. He is planning on having a flying field here at our place. (We have 5 acres so there should be room.)
Eileen enjoys cooking (especially in this wonderful new kitchen), cross stitching (her favorite), and has been learning to quilt, knit, and crochet. Also reading is a favorite pasttime.