Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Table Runner

This is the newest table runner I made. I started with the border material. I had this in my stash and love it. So then I just found some others that I could use with it.
While making it in the class, everyone loved my material. I think my came out the best looking with the bright oranges and yellows. Want to find some orange candles to put on either side of it.

The Other Side

After finding my lighthouses, I started looking for Rick's kite trophies. He has two boxes of them! But all he wanted out were his first place National trophies and of course, the World Trophy from the first time they won. But blogger has decided not to post them in the order I selected so here goes. This is the bottom shelf.
This is the top shelf.

Abd so, this is the middle shelf. The world trophy is very hard to photograph because it is glass and places it is clear. But it is very beautiful.

Here is the way the niche looks.

And this was suppose to be the first photo. Standing at the beginning of the hallway with both niches. It is really nice to have both of them filled.

Monday, October 20, 2008

They've been found!

Rick and I were cleaning in the garage yesterday when I finally came upon the box that contained my crystal lighthouses. I have looked for months for these, ever since the glass shelves got put in the niches. I was so relieved to finally have them. They look much better in person.
So here are the shelves, one at a time. The two vases, small and large, we inherited from Rick's mom. Also got the small windmill (from Denmark) from her. Mine is on a lower shelf.
This is the bottom shelf. The large vase is something we bought in Hawaii last year. The two crystal pieces beside it are also from Hawaii.

This is the middle and my favorite shelf. The crystal pyramid is one of my favorite pieces. Also you can see my windmill from Denmark. The blocks of crystal have lighthouses etched into them. You can see better if you enlarge the photos. Just wanted to let all know, they have been found and are now in their new home.
Rick gave me most of the miniture lighthouses for my birthday over the years. They are all replicas of real lighthouses.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Castle Valley Gourd Festival Quilt

A neighbor called me a couple of weeks ago and asked me to do a quilt for the Castle Valley Gourd Festival. It's the weekend of Oct. 18th. It didn't have to be really big, just a wall hanging. I told her that the only gourds I really new were pumpkins. She said she would draw some for me and bring to me. Well, she drew on an 8x11 paper a picture of Castle Rock with a large gourd in front and on the other side the words Castle Valley Gourd Festival. After talking to Crystal at the Moab quilt store, she helped me enlarge it to make templates for doing the quilt. I decided to put the Castle Valley Gourd Festival on a border and put two gourds in front of Castle Rock. I really like how it came out. Hope Alice will, This was a real challenge for me and I'm really proud of myself for doing it. And the really nice thing about this quilt is I made it entirely from materials in my stash. Didn't have to buy anything for it!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Button Up Quilt

Here is the October Button Up Quilt I made. I waited until today, October 1st, to put it on. I actually finished it a few days ago. Instead of making the face on the cat (which I didn't think was cute at all), I put bright green beads for the eyes. That's all you see at night anyway. Then I took black ribbon and cut it to use for the whiskers. The pattern called for white wool. I like mine a lot better and when I took it in to the quilt store, Crystal like it better too. The nice thing is the material all came from my stash! I love using that. Can't wait for next month's. I'm really enjoying my quilting classes.

Fall on the LaSal Loop Road

On Friday we went into Moab for dinner but took the long way there, via the LaSal Loop Road. The fall colors on the aspen trees was really beautiful. The sun wasn't out bright, there were clouds, but you can still see the yellow of the aspens.
I just love aspens in the fall.
Here you can see the clouds over the LaSals with the sun shining on the one portion where the colors were better.

We also saw this verga. Some of the rain actually hit the ground. In fact, we had to put the roof up on the jeep when we stopped for supper. However, it stopped raining so we took it back down after eating.