At this time, there are no plans to retore it again. But I'm hoping they will. It was a beautiful white wooden bridge. You can read about the fire in the Moab Times Independent newspaper. They have color photos on line of the fire.
Flickr didn't upload the images as I had put them in so they are out of order. This, of course, is Delicate Arch. Took this from a 4-wheel drive road just past the viewing area. (We were here long before we drove out to Dewey Bridge.)
Now, back to Dewey Bridge.
This plant is called Loco Weed. But isn't it pretty? This was in Arches also, but it is all along the River Road. Looks nice, but sure don't want it in my yard!
As usual, more photos of the bridge and Arches in our Arches folder and Dewey Bridge folder.